Well, since I've been up since 5:30, I figured I'd post.
First-I want to clarify my venting post about my birth. I was not trying to say anyone who got drugs had an easier labor than me-in any way whether it was 1 hour or 10 hours (or more!). I am saying that unless you felt pain at a 5 or 10 drug free-you cannot compare my pain to yours, just like unless I felt contractions at a 2 for 5 hours, I cannot compare my pain to yours. And yes, birth stories are great and I love to share mine and hear others, but not when mine gets tossed to the side as "easy". I actually think this ticks Curt off more than me. He was the only one, besides myself, who really saw/felt/knew partly what I was going through and he knew how hard I tried to go natural, for myself and my babies. It was not a challenge for me to prove people wrong (yes, their non-support helped push me to want to do it more), but I did it cause it was what was best for my lovies. Now I am done. And I decided, I will not let anyone downplay my births, even if it causes a brawl ;-).
And yay for enjoy life brand "chocolates". I was finally able to enjoy some chocolate chip cookies dairy and pretty much soy free!! I am still trying to find dairy and soy free butter-not happening! So I deal. Curt said they were the best he'd ever tasted! The cinnamon crunch granola is a whole different story-yuck. I'm trying to force myself to eat it since I paid over $4 for it and probably will get 5-6 bowls of it....if I can stand that many.
Evan is doing so much better w/ it now, too. I think he's not as sensitive, plus I'm trying harder. I still have my sneaks of bites of pizza and chocolate, but the more I research, the more
"not alone" I feel. The only problem is that all my meals need to be planned. Lean Cuisine does not carry a frozen line of dairy/soy free entrees. ;-P
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my 3 month old! I cannot believe it. Time has flown. He's doing great. Sleeping good at night, too. Yesterday he went from 10:30 until 6:30. Needless to say, I woke up to a soaking wet shirts. That's what sucks about those surprise good sleeps.
I will be looking into getting a part time job after the winter. I'd love to babysit an older child (no babies) one or two days a week or maybe tutor. I am just tired of being strapped every month and having Curt stressing or driving himself crazy trying to find a deal to make some extra dough. We hope to sell the cabin which will pay off school and leave a little extra to fix up stuff around here, like oh let's see--get the septic field replaced. Fun times! It just boggles my mind how we make it on our salary every month that I don't even want to question it. It's one of those things-it works decently so I'm not going to fret! But, we just had to finally get cable.... ;-)
Laila is great. Not as sassy (I so know I just jinxed myself!) and growing up so fast. She plays house now. Complete w/ combing my hair and putting in a hair tie, handing me a bag and saying "now you can go to pre-school, dear". Can anyone say adorable???? And then the other night, I was told to "pay attention" to her and that she is sick of Chevy. That's another reason to get a job-so she'll stop picking up on my bad habits so much. AT least I haven't heard "damn it" in a while-complete w/ throwing a video tape across her room. The throwing came from someone else though- :cough:Curt:cough:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope we can all have at least one thing we are thankful for this year. I am super thankful for God and all his blessing he has given us-our two beautiful, healthy children, a great marriage, wonderful friends and happy and warm home w/ food to eat.
Laila said she is thankful for cereal ;-) Now I'm off to throw my "cereal" away. I cannot stomach any more.
First-I want to clarify my venting post about my birth. I was not trying to say anyone who got drugs had an easier labor than me-in any way whether it was 1 hour or 10 hours (or more!). I am saying that unless you felt pain at a 5 or 10 drug free-you cannot compare my pain to yours, just like unless I felt contractions at a 2 for 5 hours, I cannot compare my pain to yours. And yes, birth stories are great and I love to share mine and hear others, but not when mine gets tossed to the side as "easy". I actually think this ticks Curt off more than me. He was the only one, besides myself, who really saw/felt/knew partly what I was going through and he knew how hard I tried to go natural, for myself and my babies. It was not a challenge for me to prove people wrong (yes, their non-support helped push me to want to do it more), but I did it cause it was what was best for my lovies. Now I am done. And I decided, I will not let anyone downplay my births, even if it causes a brawl ;-).
And yay for enjoy life brand "chocolates". I was finally able to enjoy some chocolate chip cookies dairy and pretty much soy free!! I am still trying to find dairy and soy free butter-not happening! So I deal. Curt said they were the best he'd ever tasted! The cinnamon crunch granola is a whole different story-yuck. I'm trying to force myself to eat it since I paid over $4 for it and probably will get 5-6 bowls of it....if I can stand that many.
Evan is doing so much better w/ it now, too. I think he's not as sensitive, plus I'm trying harder. I still have my sneaks of bites of pizza and chocolate, but the more I research, the more
"not alone" I feel. The only problem is that all my meals need to be planned. Lean Cuisine does not carry a frozen line of dairy/soy free entrees. ;-P
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my 3 month old! I cannot believe it. Time has flown. He's doing great. Sleeping good at night, too. Yesterday he went from 10:30 until 6:30. Needless to say, I woke up to a soaking wet shirts. That's what sucks about those surprise good sleeps.
I will be looking into getting a part time job after the winter. I'd love to babysit an older child (no babies) one or two days a week or maybe tutor. I am just tired of being strapped every month and having Curt stressing or driving himself crazy trying to find a deal to make some extra dough. We hope to sell the cabin which will pay off school and leave a little extra to fix up stuff around here, like oh let's see--get the septic field replaced. Fun times! It just boggles my mind how we make it on our salary every month that I don't even want to question it. It's one of those things-it works decently so I'm not going to fret! But, we just had to finally get cable.... ;-)
Laila is great. Not as sassy (I so know I just jinxed myself!) and growing up so fast. She plays house now. Complete w/ combing my hair and putting in a hair tie, handing me a bag and saying "now you can go to pre-school, dear". Can anyone say adorable???? And then the other night, I was told to "pay attention" to her and that she is sick of Chevy. That's another reason to get a job-so she'll stop picking up on my bad habits so much. AT least I haven't heard "damn it" in a while-complete w/ throwing a video tape across her room. The throwing came from someone else though- :cough:Curt:cough:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope we can all have at least one thing we are thankful for this year. I am super thankful for God and all his blessing he has given us-our two beautiful, healthy children, a great marriage, wonderful friends and happy and warm home w/ food to eat.
Laila said she is thankful for cereal ;-) Now I'm off to throw my "cereal" away. I cannot stomach any more.