Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's been awhile...

I cannot believe how busy it is w/ two kids!! When I have a free moment, I'm either cleaning or enjoying that free moment.
SO things were off to a rough start for a little bit there. Evan got a bad diaper rash, which the ped thought was something I was eating. Low and behold I take out dairy and eggs and he is 100 times better. I guess the havoc he wrecked on my body didn't end w/ birth! I am really bored w/ my diet, but I love the different baby I created w/ it. He was pretty fussy, gassy and pukey and needed to be held so much and now he can be alone a little longer than the 5 seconds he used to only be able to-lol. Plus he's smiling like crazy and cooing so I think he realized the world outside of mom's arms isn't too bad after all. But, in my arms is still his favorite spot-thank heavens for the sling my friend made me! He's also grown like a weed w/ a pound a week! He's at about 13 pounds now and was 10 at only 3 weeks old!! He's my big boy that's for sure w/ the chubbiest yummiest cheeks ever!

Laila is doing great in pre-school. She'll kiss Evan good-bye some days and not me (sniff, sniff). She's a super big sis and very helpful. I swear it was as if she knew exactly what having a little baby was going to entail. Now I just need to be more patient w/ her and her life would be grand :-( I'm working on it and when I'm crabby she'll tell me it will be okay and that she forgives me! She's too much.

As for me, my 6 week check-up went great. I was told I don't even look like a baby came out of me (well, my MW was more specific on what area didn't look that use your imagination). I'm only 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight-YAY!! I feel almost 100% normal now except for the up and down emotions. I cry at the drop of a hat over sappy things. I still will cry sometimes in disbelief of the family we created and were so blessed w/. Curt and I are on such a different level. It's like we understand each other more and just go together so well. Life is fitting together perfectly for us. There is nothing more we could ask for that is of major importance. We are having a hard time thinking about not having any more kids. We are done, but I can't shake the annoyance I feel that some of that choice isn't mine to make. For one the risk of another m/c or 4 for that matter is not something my heart could handle I don't think. And the whole FX thing is a big weight should we decide to have another. Curt also won't trust anything, even getting himself fixed. I understand since we are so fertile, but what are we going to do about it?!?! The man is too paranoid for his own good-lol.

Here are some pics of the last month of our family.

Professional ones (I will never get family pics done at one week post-partum!)


Anonymous said...

First off - I hate you for being 2 lbs away from your prepregnancy weight. I always blamed it on having a second child which is why I couldn't. You ruined that excuse for me. :(


I love the pictures so I forgive ya.

I'm sure you don't want to hear this but it has been almost 10 years since I had my last baby and I'm still annoyed that I can't have more. So I just don't think about it..which isn't easy. I don't even hold baby's anymore because I just want one so bad.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Evan on Laila's back. I was really emotional and sappy for months after having Holly, I still haven;t started my period back up again, so I am quite hormonal, 7 months in, but I started taking a birthcontrol that is progestin only and it is safe for breast feeding and helps with the hormones some....

Your babies are beautiful, and you do have a big boy, Holly is just 15.5 lbs at 7 months, Evan is catching up on her fast :-)

I struggle with thinking about what to do in having a second, we are thinking of going with PGD IVF but now that I quit my job and don't have the good insurance, and plan on using my savings, that isn;t very affordable, but the idea of having a Full Mutation Boy scares me. I admire how strong so many others out there are, and count my blessings every day that Holly seems to be only mildly affected, I know it could be so much worse, i feel so lucky, that I don;t want to push my luck.. but it is a hard decision, i really don;t want Holly to be an only child either.

Good luck, I hope you post again soon.