Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Another ultrasound today

And yes, it is still good!!!!!! I am still in disbelief that this can and will possibly go well. The heart rate is really good at 167 bpm. We saw little arms and legs or nubs as the tech called them. I actually pointed to the spot where the legs were and asked if that was the head and Curt said "no, that's the legs". How the heck does he know what he's looking at? I guess sometimes it isn't always mothers that know best-lol. To the left of the picture is the legs and the top right is an arm. I swear I see eye sockets, but who knows!

I'm going to go off on a whim here and go against my own self-wishes of not getting in too deep this early, and say that if I had to guess the gender, for some reason boy just sticks in my head. I wouldn't go as far as saying a "gut instinct", but it's a small feeling. In seven months from today we should know.

But some not so great news-I have a low lying placenta. It just that my placenta is about 2 inches from the bottom of my cervix, instead of at the top by my ribs like usual. This usually corrects itself this early on, but if not I will automatically have a c-section at 37 weeks. I absolutely do not want one, but whatever it takes. There are other complications of bleeding and pre-term labor, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. It's not a big issue, but it seems as if there is always something.


Anonymous said...

That is sooo exciting. I've been praying soo hard for you guys.

My placenta also was low. I had no problems with Matty but did with my daughter. My Ob-gyn died 1 month before I was due. He knew but didn't write it down or share it with me. Nice huh. So we learned the hard way. While she was in the birth canal. It was a tough birth on both of us and it was a miracle we are both alive today. God was definitley looking out for us.

So God is looking out for you two too by showing this to the docs now :)

Keep us updated.

Mere said...

Lisa - I have been having a strong feeling that you are having a boy too. Weird huh??